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Typing test is a key skill desired for a candidate applying in Government Jobs for certain positions. With the advancement in technology the old technique to assessing typing has been discarded and a new solution for assessing Typing has been developed and the assessment can be done for English Typing and Hindi Typing both.

This new technique of assessing Typing had enabled us to test typing speed, accuracy and other parameters of candidates instantly.


Available Features

While assessing Typing with the reference content provided,

  • Only one typing test type question will be available to the candidate.
  • If for any reason candidate gets locked, then after unlocking the typing question will be again made available for the candidate and the timer will start from beginning i.e. candidate will get the entire time allotted for the typing.
  • During typing candidate will not be allowed to use special keys and only the selected keyboard layout will be allowed for typing and assessment.
  • Relevant information will be displayed during typing and a summary will also be displayed to the candidate at the end of typing assessment, displaying the candidate’s typing performance with respect to Net Words per Minute (NWPM) as typing Speed.
  • ‘Submit’ button will be displayed on typing solution and the candidate can submit the test once complete content is typed or else the typed content will auto submit, if the provided time is utilized.

More Important Link :

Keyword Description

  • Correct Words = count of words typed by the candidate in text-area; assessed as correct in relation to the referenced text.
  • Incorrect Words = count of words typed by the candidate in text-area; assessed as incorrect in relation to the referenced text.
  • Keystroke count (KSC) = count of characters typed by the candidate in text-area.
    • KSC will not include the characters erased in the unrestricted mode
    • Backspace key count is not included in KSC.
  • Backspace count = number of times the Backspace key
  • Gross Words (GW) = total number of correct and incorrect words typed by the candidate in text- This is also treated as Typed Words.
  • Net Words (NW) = total number of correct words typed by the candidate in text-area.
  • Accuracy = ratio of correct words to the Gross Words typed by the candidate in text-area e. the ratio of Net Words to the Gross Words typed.
  • Time Taken = time in seconds taken by the candidate to type till final submission.


Result Calculation

For result calculation the word in text typed by the candidate in text-area is identified by a separating the text with SPACE character.

  • Restricted type = candidate will not be able to type wrong words and will also not be able to modify the typed text.
  • Unrestricted type = candidate will be able to type wrong words and will also be able to modify/delete the typed text.

For CPCT, Unrestricted type of typing technique is used, for providing a real time feel of typing.


Formula for Unrestricted Type

  • Gross Words (GW) = Correct + Incorrect Words.
  • Gross Words per Minute (GWPM) = Gross Words / TimeTaken in Mins
  • Net Words = Correct words Typed.
  • Net words per Minute (NWPM) = Net Words/ TimeTaken in Mins
  • Accuracy Percentage= NWPM*100/GWPM

Source/Reference: Based on the requirements and the technological advancement and the inputs shared by Subject Matter Experts (SME’s), the above technique and the formula have been derived for assessing typing in CPCT.

Note: All the information and the calculative formulas described above are for reference and analytical purpose. Only Net words per Minute (NWPM) will be the final result and will be displayed in CPCT Score Card. NWPM will be treated as typing speed of the candidate.

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