Engineering Functions in Excel

Engineering Functions in Excel

Engineering Functions in Excel

Excel boasts a vast library of functions, but don’t be overwhelmed! We’ll explore the most essential functions grouped into intuitive categories. Here is the list of Excel Formulas and Functions. We have included Excel functions, Description, Syntax. Explained with Example Formulas.


Engineering Functions

Delve into Specialized Engineering Calculations with Excel’s Engineering Functions. From converting between degrees and radians (DEGREES, RADIANS) to complex unit conversions (CONVERT), these functions cater to specific engineering disciplines and provide solutions for advanced technical calculations.

  • Cater to specific engineering disciplines.
  • Perform complex unit conversions and engineering calculations.



Syntax and Formula


BESSELI is an Excel function that returns the modified Bessel function In(x). It is used to calculate the modified Bessel function of the first kind.

Syntax: BESSELI(x,n)x – The value for which to calculate the modified Bessel function.n – The order of the modified Bessel function.

Formula: BESSELI(1,2)This formula will return the modified Bessel function of the first kind for x = 1 and order = 2. The result will be 0.440050585744933.


The BESSELJ function is an Excel function that returns the Bessel function of the first kind, Jn, of an order n and argument x.

Syntax: BESSELJ(x,n)

Formula: BESSELJ(1,2) returns 0.440050585744933


The BESSELK function is an Excel function that returns the modified Bessel function K of the specified order and argument.

Syntax: BESSELK(x,n)

Formula: BESSELK(2,3) returns 0.06899


The BESSELY function is an Excel function that calculates the Bessel function of the first kind, which is a mathematical function used to solve a variety of problems in physics, engineering, and mathematics.

Syntax: BESSELY(x,n)

Formula: BESSELY(2,3)This formula will return the Bessel function of the first kind for x = 2 and n = 3.


BIN2DEC is an Excel function that converts a binary number to a decimal number.

Syntax: BIN2DEC(number)

Formula: BIN2DEC(10101) returns 21


The BIN2HEX function is used to convert a binary number to a hexadecimal number.

Syntax: BIN2HEX(number, [places])

Formula: BIN2HEX(10101010, 8)Result: AA


BIN2OCT is an Excel function that converts a binary number to an octal number.

Syntax: BIN2OCT(number)

Formula: BIN2OCT(10101010) returns 252


BITAND is a logical function in Excel that performs a bitwise AND operation on two numbers. The syntax for the BITAND function is: BITAND(number1, number2).

Syntax: BITAND( number1, number2)

Formula: BITAND(7, 11)This will return the result of 7 (111 in binary) AND 11 (1011 in binary), which is 3 (11 in binary).


BITLSHIFT is an Excel function that shifts the bits of a number to the left or right. It takes two arguments: the number to be shifted, and the number of bits to shift it.

Syntax: BITLSHIFT(number, shift_amount)

Formula: BITLSHIFT(10, 2)This example shifts the bits of the number 10 to the left by two bits. The result is 40.


BITOR is an Excel logical function that returns a bitwise OR of two numbers. The syntax for the BITOR function is: BITOR(number1, number2).

Syntax: BITOR(number1, number2)

Formula: BITOR(4, 5)This will return 5 as the result.


BITRSHIFT is an Excel function that shifts the bits of a number to the right. It takes two arguments: the number to be shifted and the number of positions to shift.

Syntax: BITRSHIFT(number, shift_amount)

Formula: BITRSHIFT(10,2)This example shifts the bits of the number 10 two positions to the right, resulting in the value 2.


The BITXOR function returns a bitwise ‘exclusive or’ of two numbers.

Syntax: BITXOR(number1, number2)

Formula: BITXOR(5,7)This will return 4, as 5 XOR 7 = 4.


The COMPLEX function is used to convert real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number.

Syntax: COMPLEX(real_num, i_num, [suffix])

Formula: COMPLEX(5,3,”i”)This will return the complex number 5+3i.


The CONVERT function is used to convert a number from one unit of measurement to another.

Syntax: CONVERT(number, from_unit, to_unit)

Formula: CONVERT(10, “mi”, “km”)This example would convert 10 miles to kilometers, and the result would be 16.09344 kilometers.


DEC2BIN is an Excel function that converts a decimal (base 10) number to a binary (base 2) number.

Syntax: DEC2BIN(number, [places])

Formula: DEC2BIN(10, 8) returns 00001010.


DEC2HEX is an Excel function that converts a decimal number to a hexadecimal number.

Syntax: DEC2HEX(number, [places])

Formula: DEC2HEX(255,2)Result: FF


The DEC2OCT function is a mathematical function in Microsoft Excel that converts a decimal number to an octal number.

Syntax: DEC2OCT(number, places)

Formula: DEC2OCT(20,2)Result: 24


The DELTA function in Excel returns 1 if two values are equal and 0 if they are not equal.

Syntax: DELTA(number1, number2)

Formula: DELTA(A1, B1)


The ERF function returns the error function integrated between two supplied limits. The error function is a special function used in probability and statistics to measure the area under a normal distribution curve.

Syntax: ERF(lower_limit, upper_limit)

Formula: ERF(-1,2)This example returns the value of 0.954499736103642, which is the area under a normal distribution curve between -1 and 2.


The ERF.PRECISE function is an Excel function that calculates the error function of a given value. The error function is a mathematical function used to calculate the probability that a normally distributed random variable will be within a certain range.

Syntax: ERF.PRECISE(x)

Formula: ERF.PRECISE(0.5)This formula will return the error function of 0.5, which is 0.5204999.


ERFC is an Excel function that returns the complementary error function of a given number.

Syntax: ERFC(number)

Formula: ERFC(0.5)This example returns the value 0.479500122.


The ERFC.PRECISE function is an Excel statistical function that returns the complementary error function integrated between lower_limit and upper_limit. The complementary error function is a special function used in statistics and probability theory.

Syntax: ERFC.PRECISE(lower_limit, upper_limit)

Formula: To calculate the complementary error function integrated between 0 and 1, the formula would be: =ERFC.PRECISE(0,1) which returns 0.842700792949715.


The GESTEP function returns a logical value of TRUE or FALSE depending on whether a number is greater than or equal to a given step value.

Syntax: GESTEP(number, step)

Formula: GESTEP(7, 3)This will return TRUE as 7 is greater than or equal to 3.


The HEX2BIN function in Excel is used to convert a hexadecimal number to a binary number.

Syntax: HEX2BIN(number, [places])

Formula: HEX2BIN(A1, 8)In this example, the HEX2BIN function will convert the hexadecimal number in cell A1 to a binary number with 8 places.


HEX2DEC is an Excel function that converts a hexadecimal number to its decimal equivalent.

Syntax: HEX2DEC(number)

Formula: HEX2DEC(“FF”) returns 255


The HEX2OCT function in Excel is used to convert a hexadecimal number to an octal number.

Syntax: HEX2OCT(number)

Formula: HEX2OCT(A1) where A1 contains the hexadecimal number “F1” will return the octal number “361”.


The IMABS function is an Excel function that returns the absolute value of a complex number.

Syntax: IMABS(inumber)

Formula: IMABS(5+3i)Result: 5


The IMAGINARY function returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number in Excel.

Syntax: IMAGINARY(inumber)

Formula: IMAGINARY(2+3i)This formula will return 3, which is the imaginary coefficient of the complex number 2+3i.


The IMARGUMENT function returns the argument theta, which is the angle associated with the complex number in x + iy (x and y are real numbers).

Syntax: IMARGUMENT(inumber)

Formula: IMARGUMENT(2+3i) returns 0.982793723247329


The IMCONJUGATE function returns the complex conjugate of a complex number.

Syntax: IMCONJUGATE(inumber)

Formula: IMCONJUGATE(2+4i)Result: 2-4i


The IMCOS function returns the cosine of an angle given in radians.

Syntax: IMCOS(number)

Formula: To calculate the cosine of 2 radians, use the following Formula:=IMCOS(2)The result would be -0.41614683654714.


The IMCOSH function returns the hyperbolic cosine of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.

Syntax: IMCOSH(inumber)

Formula: IMCOSH(1+2i)Result: 3.76219 + 0.96623i


IMCOT is an Excel function that returns the imaginary part of a complex number.

Syntax: IMCOT(inumber)

Formula: IMCOT(2+3i)Result: -3


The IMCSC function is used to calculate the complex conjugate of a complex number in Microsoft Excel.

Syntax: IMCSC(inumber)

Formula: IMCSC(2+3i)Result: 2-3i


EDULEThe IMCSCHEDULE function in Microsoft Excel is used to calculate the number of payments for a loan or an annuity.

Syntax: IMCSCHEDULE(principal, interest, payments, start_period, end_period, type)

Formula: To calculate the number of payments for a loan of $1000 with an interest rate of 5% and a payment period of 12 months, the following formula can be used:IMCSCHEDULE(1000, 0.05, 12, 1, 12, 0)The result of this formula will be 12, meaning that the loan will have 12 payments.


The IMDIV function returns the result of a complex number division in the imaginary number format.

Syntax: IMDIV(inumber1, inumber2)

Formula: To divide the imaginary numbers 5i and 2i, the formula would be:=IMDIV(5i,2i)The result would be 2.5i.


The IMEXP function is an Excel function that imports data from a text file into a worksheet. It is a useful tool for importing data from other sources into Excel.

Syntax: IMEXP(filename, [worksheet], [start_row], [start_column], [import_type], [import_options])

Formula: IMEXP(“C:\mydata.txt”, “Sheet1”, 1, 1, “Delimited”, “FieldsPerRecord=4”)


IMLN: The IMLN function returns the inverse matrix logarithm of a matrix.

Syntax: IMLN(matrix)

Formula: IMLN(A1:B2)Where A1:B2 is a 2×2 matrix containing the values 1, 2, 3 and 4. The result of this formula would be the inverse matrix logarithm of the matrix.


The IMLOG10 function returns the logarithm of a number to the base 10.

Syntax: IMLOG10(number)

Formula: IMLOG10(100)The result of this formula is 2, as the logarithm of 100 to the base 10 is 2.


IMLOG2 is an Excel function used to calculate the binary logarithm of a number. The function takes a single argument, which is the number for which the binary logarithm is to be calculated.

Syntax: IMLOG2(number)

Formula: IMLOG2(8)This formula will return 3, as the binary logarithm of 8 is 3.


The IMPOWER function is an Excel function that returns the given number raised to the power of another number.

Syntax: IMPOWER(number, power)

Formula: IMPOWER(2,3)This will return 8, as 2 to the power of 3 is 8.


The IMPRODUCT function returns the product of two or more complex numbers.

Syntax: IMPRODUCT(inumber1,inumber2,…)

Formula: IMPRODUCT(2+3i,4+5i)This would return 22+22i.


IMREAL is an Excel function that returns TRUE if a number is a real number and FALSE if it is not.

Syntax: IMREAL(number)

Formula: IMREAL(3.14)This example would return TRUE as 3.14 is a real number.


The IMSEC function returns the number of seconds in a given time.

Syntax: IMSEC(time)

Formula: IMSEC(“12:30:15”) returns 45015.


The IMSECH function returns the inverse hyperbolic secant of a given number.

Syntax: IMSECH(number)

Formula: IMSECH(0.5)The result of this function is 1.3169578969248.


VThe IMSINV function returns the inverse of the matrix which is provided as an argument.

Syntax: IMSINV(array)

Formula: IMSINV({1,2,3;4,5,6;7,8,9}) returns the inverse of the matrix {1,2,3;4,5,6;7,8,9} as {-0.222, 0.111, 0.333; 0.167, -0.056, -0.139; 0.056, 0.167, -0.056}.


The IMSINH function returns the hyperbolic sine of a given number.

Syntax: IMSINH(number)

Formula: IMSINH(2) returns 1.919154444


IMSQRT is an Excel function that returns the imaginary component of the square root of a complex number.

Syntax: IMSQRT(inumber)inumber – A complex number for which you want to find the imaginary component of the square root.

Formula: IMSQRT(2+3i)This will return 1.5i, which is the imaginary component of the square root of 2+3i.


The IMSUB function returns the difference between two arrays of any size.

Syntax: IMSUB(array1, array2)

Formula: IMSUB(A1:A5, B1:B5)This formula will return the difference between the two arrays A1:A5 and B1:B5.


The IMSUM function calculates the sum of an array of numbers based on a given set of conditions.

Syntax: IMSUM(array, criteria)

Formula: IMSUM(A1:A10, “>50”)This formula will sum all the numbers in the range A1:A10 that are greater than 50.


The IMTAN function returns the modified Bessel function of the first kind, which is a mathematical function used to solve differential equations.

Syntax: IMTAN(x)

Formula: IMTAN(2)This example returns the value 0.2078795763507619.


OCT2BIN is an Excel function that converts an octal number to a binary number.

Syntax: OCT2BIN(number, [places])number: The octal number that you want to convert to a binary number.places: (optional) The number of characters to use.

Formula: OCT2BIN(11)Result: 1011


The OCT2DEC function converts an octal number to a decimal number in Microsoft Excel.

Syntax: OCT2DEC(number)

Formula: OCT2DEC(77)This example would return the decimal number 63.


The OCT2HEX function converts an octal number to a hexadecimal number.

Syntax:OCT2HEX(number, [places])

Formula:OCT2HEX(11, 4)Result: 13

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