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Word Processing is an idea which talks about creating or developing a document. When we use and a computer to do so, we require software which can provide a platform for it known as word processing software. The word processing software helps us creating a document using computer with lots of tools and functionalities.
Advantages of Computer – Based Word Processing
The computer-based word processing unlike the type-writer based word processing enables the users to modify the document without re-typing it. It gives us great flexibility in terms of use of the content, modification, and formatting.
Attributes of Word Processing
Using word processing software like MS-Word gives us a number of tools to “add” several functionalities which can be used not just for creating a document but also for many other things like:
- Content modification without retyping the whole document
- The paragraphs, sentences or words insertion, modification or deletion
- Easy reproduction of the content by copying the text. It can also be move throughout the document
- The page margins can be set for the page as per the need
- The Sell-Check feature can be used to check spellings
- The documents can be merged.
- The mail merge facility can be used to generate multiple copies of a letter with a different address
Various Types of Word Processing Packages
Though a number of “a number of “add” several” software of such kinds is available, following are some of the popular software:
WordStar: WordStar was the first program to give full word processing capabilities to personal computer users at far less cost than the dedicated word processors of the time. Many WordStar keyboard commands became de facto standards for text manipulation. WordStar was later acquired by The Learning Company. A Windows version was also created, and all were subsequently disbanded.
Word: MS Word is used most widely which provides advanced word processing and Desktop Publishing features.
Word Perfect: WordPerfect is a word processing system that was originally produced by Satellite Software International Inc. but is now owned by Corel. It was best known for its availability on a large number of computers and operating systems. This program reached the height of its popularity in the mid- to late-1980s. It has since been eclipsed by Microsoft Word in terms of the number of people who use it.
Google Doc: In today’s time word processing is done online as well as offline. Google Docs is a word processor included as part of a free, webbased software office suite offered by Google within its Google Drive service.
Among all the popular word processing software, MS Word is used most widely which provides advanced word processing and Desktop Publishing features. The list indicates some of the basic features of MS Word:
- It allows you to create and save the document.
- You can add, modify, or delete the text anytime in your document and save it for future reference.
- It enables you to set or change the page margins as required.
- It features various formatting options like and a change of font and its style. Moreover, you can insert Header and footer in the document.
- The Auto Correct feature of MS Word automatically corrects the spellings and also suggests the alternate words.
- It also shows document statistics like word count.
- Text can be written in and a columnar style as written in newspapers. Also, text boxes can be inserted.
- You can create tables in the document.
- The image and graphics can also be inserted in the document. MS Word provides its clip arts or the pictures can be imported from outside.
- The Mail Merge feature of MS Word helps you generate multiple copies of a letter with different addresses.
- MS Word also provides Macros that can be created and used in the document.
- Online help is also available to know more about and the various features and tools of MS Word.
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