Table of Contents
Analog Computer:
An analog computer is a form of computer that uses the continuously changeable aspects of physical phenomena such as electrical, mechanical, or hydraulic quantities to model the problem being solved.
Digital Computer:
The digital computer works on discontinuous data. They convert the data into digits (binary digits 0 and 1) and all operations are carried out on these digits at extremely fast rates.
A digital computer basically knows how to count the digits and add the digits. Digital computers are much faster than analog computer and far more accurate.
A supercomputer contains a number of CPUs which operate in parallel to make it faster. They are used for massive data processing and solving very sophisticated problems. They are used for weather forecasting, weapons research and development, rocketing, aerodynamics, seismology, atomic, nuclear etc.
Mainframe computers are very powerful, large general purpose computers. They are used where large amount of data are to be processed or very complex calculations are to be made and these tasks are beyond the computing capacity of minicomputers. They are used in research organizations, large industries, large business, and government organizations, bank, and airline reservations where large database is required.
A Microcomputer is a low-cost, small, digital computer. It contains the microprocessor as its CPU, a memory unit, an input device, and an output device. Microcomputers have a wide range of applications like general purpose calculations, industrial control, home application; Microcomputers are also called personal computers.
Minicomputers are faster and more powerful than microcomputers. Minicomputers are general purpose computers, smaller than mainframe and give computing power without adding the prohibitive expenses associated with large systems. They are used in accounting, word processing, data base management, statistical packages for social sciences, CAD, and numerical analysis etc.
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